Annual Report 2023

2023 was a year of learning, refining, and planning at Kyaro. In 2022, our design, provision, and manufacturing work established us as one of the leaders in assistive technology in East Africa. We expanded our reach by connecting with an inspiring community of organizations that share our vision to make appropriate assistive devices accessible in Tanzania and beyond.

Based on the deeper understanding we have gained of the problem space and our partners, we have developed a new mission statement and strategic plan for the coming years. In this report, we unveil the next chapter in our story: our new hybrid business model.

We are excited to celebrate our journey, milestones, and vision for the future with you through this report, as well as celebrate the collective efforts of our partners, team, and volunteers whose support propels us toward a world with health and autonomy for all.


What makes an appropriate wheelchair, and why does it matter?